ABC Corporation was a 1B+ company with well over 5,000 employees. With several acquisitions each year, it was the fastest-growing company in its industry. That impressive growth came with its own set of challenges, one of which was the necessity to continually provide training and onboarding to a host of new employees.
ABC Corporation had no shortage of content. The company had licenses for content with some of the most respected providers in the industry. Each week, new content was developed and was often delivered via webinar. Individuals teams and verticals developed their own solutions. Content development (both synchronous and asynchronous) was easy for ABC, but the real challenge was finding a coordinated way to organize content across the company.
ABC hired Allarium to develop an aligned content and platform solution. The company titled the new solution ABC University. The Allarium work consisted of several steps…
Step #1: Content Identification – ABC content existed in a variety of formats, throughout the company. Some of the best content was literally inside the minds of company veterans. “Go talk to so-and-so…” was a common refrain for certain topics. Other content was long forgotten on a shared company drive. Through conversations with employees and content providers and a thorough review of existing content (both completed and in-progress), Allarium completed a full-scale audit of all ABC content and developed a long-term plan to build out a full-scale corporate academy.
Step #2: Course Development – Allarium began developing a series of asynchronous courses using the content identified in Step #1. In many cases, this involved a recorded Zoom call with an expert that would later be turned into an online course. Each course consisted of a series of short videos followed by a brief assessment used to demonstrate mastery.
Step #3: Learning Path Creation – The next step was to determine how these courses fit into the overall employee learning experience. Allarium built out a 16-week onboarding program for new employees consisting of online courses, scenario-based training, job shadowing, time with a mentor, and more
Step #4: Adaptivity – Because some new employees were veterans of the industry and some were brand new, Allarium developed an adaptive version of its courses that allowed each learner to progress at his/her own pace and offered the most efficient path to mastery.
As Allarium continues to build out ABC University, we are progressing with additional initiatives, including a searchable content repository, online certification, monthly course development, responding to learner feedback, and more. Contact us at learning@allarium.com to learn more.
At Allarium, we believe that a well-organized corporate
university can be a critical component to finding and retaining high-quality talent.