Intercom provides a messaging platform that enables businesses to connect with their customers. Their customer communications platform also includes bots, apps, product tours, email, messages, and a help center to support customer relationships. Intercom also supports coordinated campaigns, personalized conversations through combining customer and behavioral data, and management tools. Over 25,000 businesses use Intercom, including Amazon, Facebook, Atlassian, Shopify, IBM, Microsoft, Living Spaces, Udemy, and Unity.
Intercom Academy provides several deep-dive courses in Support and Sales, led by Intercom experts. Courses topics include setting up Intercom for your business, becoming an SDR Pro (for sales teams), and six Support courses that can lead toward an Intercom certification as either a team member or team manager. Courses include videos, articles, and resources to help learners become effective Intercom users.
Pingdom RUM, Mutiny, Marketo Real Time Personalization, Okta
Set up Intercom for Your Business, Support Collection, Get to Know Series
Support Leader, Team Manager or Agent, Master Automation-First Customer Service