Outreach is a sales engagement platform that uses AI for predictive analytics. Their software helps revenue teams bring intelligence to workflows, unlock visibility across the revenue cycle, and commit their forecasts. Outreach is used by 19 of the top 25 fastest growing public software companies including Zoom, DocuSign, EventBrite, Snowflake, Adobe, Okta, Glassdoor, Twillo, Microsoft, and Pendo.
Outreach University offers a variety of digital, self-paced onboarding courses, including onboarding courses for new customers and more advanced Learning Pathways geared towards different types of users. By completing all the courses in a Learning Pathway, you earn a Badge in the categories of Prospecting, Closing, Admin, or Manager. Learners who completed the Admin courses can also take an exam to become an “Outreach Certified Administrator.” The university also offers live trainings for new users and webinars that cover more niche topics.
Clearbit, Google Analytics, Algolia
What is Outreach?, Account Setup, Core Concepts
Prospector Learning Track, Closer Learning Track, Admin Learning Track, Manager Learning Track